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About Us

Rista Barista Roastery is found by Dragan Ristic, coffee expert certified in many coffee fields and different associations . Started first as a small coffee academy where he was providing professional and yet affordable  trainings for all fellow baristas. As demand was growing and his expertise as well, Dragan has decided  to upgrade a company to a Roastery  level, where still next to the coffee training company is now offering roasted coffee beans and company has been renamed in to " Rista Barista Roastery".

Dragan is the long-experienced expert in coffee industry and in F&B in generally. Experience is dating back from 2006 when he was only 17y old. 

Through the years of experience end continuous education and after 15 years of experience he has decided to open his own company with clear mission.

 Our mission in Rista Barista Roastery is to provide affordable coffee education for all people everywhere in the world. First of many upcoming outlets is opened in UAE officially on October 10th 2021st.


Dragan, founder of company has finished his license back on 2019 and since then providing coffee trainings for baristas for very reasonable and under the market prices. Nothing could make him happier than to provide people professional education from which they will be able to find eventually better jobs, higher contracts and better lives. That was actually very concerning him since general approach of business in the coffee industry was that baristas and other staff around the coffee industry need to work as minimum possible.

Now years after he is proud on himself and this company with pride carrying on his vision for most affordable and efficient coffee education for fellow baristas or people who would like to become coffee experts from scratches.

We are providing several SCA trainings and non SCA trainings, we are providing as well monthly payments for our trainings for baristas exclusively continuously from may 2019.

Next to this our company is supporting and buying products from coffee people, small business and on that way, contributing their business and lives as well.

By supporting others, we are growing as well, and this is not just a phrase.

This company is founded and built by a man who is deeply in love in his craft, who has experienced all sorts of work and treatments so, from that point on he has committed himself to help others while growing.